пятница, 20 мая 2011 г.

Julianne Hough And Ryan Seacrest In Paris

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  • BornAgainMac
    Nov 28, 10:08 AM
    Perhaps Microsoft should have a "switch" campaign like Apple for the Zune. Showing all the wonderful things like radio and squirting music and photos.

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  • benjayman2
    Feb 26, 10:39 AM

    You beat me to it lol.

    I'd post pics of our new room but my camera is so 1999 :p

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  • bunkre
    Sep 1, 12:23 PM
    ...so I can only imagine that with 3 more inches to love!

    quote of the year right there

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  • SciFrog
    Feb 17, 12:55 PM
    No remote login?

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  • appleguy123
    Mar 20, 03:49 PM
    I agree.

    I think that if the App Store wasn't regulated, this app would clearly have standing to be in there, as would an app that was misogynistic, anti-semitic, or pro-flatulence.

    However, Apple (and Steve Jobs in particular) has said that the App Store is meant to "protect" people from certain things (namely porn). Since Apple has the right to determine what goes into its store, I think it's fair to ask that an app that is more offensive than porn (most people disagree with this type of "therapy" and approve of homosexuality compared to the level of disagreement there is with porn) should be similarly removed from the App Store.

    I think there's also a Pandora's Box in that if this App delves into trying to "cure" people of some non-existent psychosis, could Apple be guilty of aiding and abetting the practice of medicine/psychology without a license? I'm not saying there's an answer to this, but it certainly does leave the door open to more problems.

    There are homeopathic apps in the AppStore. Those won't work any better than this 'pray the gay away' app, but they still are allowed in the store.

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  • 2 Replies
    Sep 14, 04:49 PM
    They are just doing it for publicity I bet...

    ... O_o ...
    The're a magazine.
    Publicity DEFINES their business model.


    That said, I still agree with their decision to not recommend it, and the timing of this restating of their stance is fine since Apple's offer is nearly up.
    Apple has acknowledged the phone does have a unique issue (that is NOT just the same as the issue of covering up the antenna that most mobile devices have ... otherwise adding an extra bumper wouldn't fix it.).
    No self-respecting consumer product review org would recommend a product with known flaws that the manufacturer refuses to adequately fix in the long term.

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  • QuarterSwede
    Apr 10, 05:52 PM
    Actually, you're wrong on both premise. On crowded roads, manuals are better. No need to constantly hit the brakes, you can better control a car's speed with a manual with compression and clutch manipulation. In traffic, I hardly ever touch the brakes.

    On straight roads, manual is again better. For passing, a quick throttle blip/downshift gives you better boost than waiting for an automatic to kick in as you stomp the pedal.
    Valid points however, anyone driving in stop and go traffic will tell you automatics are a lot easier on the knees. Also, after a tiring day at work the last thing I wanted to do was drive a stick in that mess.

    Also, you can downshift in an automatic as well. Most people don't do that though.

    Any driving enthousiast doesn't mind a clutch and a stick, no matter the situation.
    I think you mean most driving enthusiasts in most situations.

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  • jonhaxor
    Jan 1, 08:32 PM
    Wouldn't it make sense to put an HD tuner in the new displays along with the iSight? .. that would make it pretty easy to rip videos and sync onto the video iPod and i'm guessing you could have an iTV app that's as easy to use as iTunes .. change the TV/monitor market in much the same way that they helped to change the home stereo market .. hrrm.

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  • aiqw9182
    Mar 24, 03:38 PM
    Why would I look at anything else if it were OK to use Windows?

    Well then why the hell are you even chanting from the rooftops about how great Fusion is *supposedly* going to be when you KNOW that the chances of Apple using it are slim to none? It's like a kid nagging his parents for the ice cream that has a fancier logo and packaging when they know their parents aren't going to buy it for them because in reality it's all the same and will most likely taste worse then what they bought previously despite what their ads say.

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  • liketom
    Jul 19, 04:20 PM
    Which is exactly why the past few weeks have been a great time to load up on Apple stock. Apple has been increasing computer sales with transitional computers. The "real" machines aren't out yet.

    In other words, Apple growth won't be slowing down any time soon. In fact, it should probably accelerate over the next 12 months.

    with a little help from us Mac users out here who end up buying 2 Macs or more a year ;)

    i tell you this year is getting real expensive for me , Mac Mini Intel then the Black Book and later this year the new Mac Pro and just don't even talk about iPods yet :D Apple is skinting me worse then a divorce

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  • Huntn
    Mar 19, 04:37 PM
    Would you rather have the Libyan people (who have called for help!) slaughtered by Gaddafi?

    Historical observation: The Iraqi people never asked for US help, but there we were.

    As I've said we need to finish existing world combat projects before starting new ones. Or is it like Bush/Cheney said, "who gives a damn about debt?"- just the average citizens who will lose their pensions, health care, I suppose...

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  • asphalt-proof
    Nov 28, 02:26 PM
    People forget that MS has dominated pretty much every market they enter. Whether it be PDAs, PC desktops, Office software suites, internet browsers, and gaming (did I miss any other markets?). Yes, in almost every instance, their initial products leave much to be desired(XBOX+Halo excepted) but they pretty much rose to the occasion and soon took over the market. Partly because their competitors don't respond to MS's moves. Zune, in its current iteration, does not scare me, but if Apple decides the status quo is cool, then the ZUne could become a force. However, I doubt that Apple will stay seated. Com'n iPhone, vPod, PodCar, whatever!!! :p

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  • econgeek
    Apr 12, 09:01 PM
    The basic process of "This is my source, this is my output" has been around as long as film editing.

    The variety of source formats is going to continue to expand. Sure, some common standards emerge, such as hard drives and flash media, but just because in the past there was only one origination and one output format doesn't mean that this is the way the process has to work, or is somehow intrinsically superior.

    The overall look of video editing, be it tape to tape, or the current (FC7) editing layout is more or less the same. In points, out points, etc.

    Yes, and that is my point. I grant that, in the early days, when computers were new and computer based editing was seeking adoption from an industry full of professionals who had been doing it the same way for 20-30 years-- it made a lot of sense to emulate the workflow that they were using.

    Now that computer editing has existed for a couple decades (give or take) the fact that it started out emulating the old methods is not, ipso facto, proof that it should continue to work the old ways.

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  • satkin2
    May 3, 03:01 AM
    So, you're saying that windows programs don't leave files on your computer when uninstalled? Installing and uninstalling a bunch of programs don't make your windows PC slow down? I must be using the wrong programs. Not that I'm saying that Mac's are perfect, but worse than windows? I hope not (I'm not a mac user... Yet)

    No, I'm aware that in some cases the Add/Remove doesn't remove all of the traces of an app, that is a failing of the windows method. However it does attempt to remove the system files it creates when a programme is installed.

    Once you get used to it and more into the Mac way, its fine to use an app to delete apps, however having come from an OS that has a built in process that attempts this it feels like a feature that is lacking.

    Just as dragging an app into the apps folder fully installs, dragging it to the trash should fully uninstall, but it doesn't.

    My point was that as the OSX method of dragging apps to the trash don't remove the whole programme, if this new delete process does remove the traces then it is an improvement.

    Whether it does or doesn't I don't see anything wrong with this implementation. New Mac users who are familiar with iOS methods will find addoption easier. For those who don't like the method you can just carry on as they do now.

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  • rasmasyean
    Apr 8, 06:48 PM
    So why not Mexico? Mexico is experiencing way more violence than most of these Middle East countries yet their request for U.N. aid in 2009 was denied. They are on our doorstep and we are ignoring it for the most part even though we are partly to blame for the violence. The U.N. actually told Mexico just the other day to withdraw their own Military forces from the fight against the cartels.

    Prolly has something to do with leaving the country messed up so we can draw modern day slaves from the wreckage to fuel parts of our economy. Whatever "charity" we do, there's often an alterior motive. If there isn't a potential gain, we usually ignore it....especially if ignoring it actually has a potential gain in itself. Just like ignoring the columbian drug trades or whatever WITHIN our country so that their drug war may go on to achieve political objectives.

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  • lyzardking
    May 2, 06:17 PM
    dang, 3 mac pros!

    are you running bigadv units on all 3? or do you use them for something other folding? (i assume you do) and if you don't mind me asking, how do they do if you use them while folding?

    well it seems something might be going on with your username for some reason. you might want to make a thread over at the folding forums about it - maybe they can help

    they're all used for DTP (AI, AP, QE, etc)

    the older one (at home) needs to be paused anytime I need to do anything processor intensive (not the issue with the 09s) especially HB and the like.

    The 08 wont make deadlines with the bidadv units (not after pausing it for hours at a time LOL) unfortunately, I am unable to select the number of processors it will use (like I use to <4>) so now I have to pause it.

    It looks like people are aware of the user name issues over in the "F@H Widget needs testing" thread


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  • macidiot
    Jul 19, 03:43 PM
    What, the analysts weren't even close? I'm shocked. :rolleyes:

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  • shadowmoses
    Aug 16, 01:16 PM
    This whole iPhone thing is really annoying me I was about to start a contract and get an LG chocolate but these rumors are putting me off if its not announced at the next apple meeting it'll be the luscious LG chocolate,

    In all honesty though I don't care for a iPhone I just want a true video iPod!!!


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  • Multimedia
    Oct 23, 11:32 PM
    I've got a dual 2.33ghz Core 2 Duo in my mac mini and its FASTTTTT the new mbps will be nice BUY BUY BUYDid you photograph your installation process for us to learn by? How much did you pay for the 2.33GHz Merom?

    Mar 19, 10:31 AM
    Does this count for the Apple Death Knell Counter? Maybe if they counted all the signatures someone would finally break Rob Enderle's record.... :rolleyes:

    Dell has the market cornered in cheaper computers, so much so that they are the only PC maker still pulling in a profit doing it. Apple can't compete with Dell there, and it would be foolish of them to put even a dollar of their R & D money towards trying.

    Not everyone will shell out the money for an Alienware system either, and their marketshare is also a fraction of the overall PC industry, but no one's saying they should sell cheaper computers or die. Get a grip. There's room for the smaller players here.

    Aug 17, 01:46 PM
    PowerBook G5 next Tuesday! :rolleyes:

    Jul 14, 08:25 AM
    As purely a data storage format, obviously Blu-ray has the potential to store more data than HD DVD.

    However, as someone who has been following the whole BD vs. HD DVD consumer video format war, and as someone who has bought an HD DVD player (and, until recently, had a BD video player on order), at this (albeit early) stage of the game, HD DVD is the superior video format.

    HD DVD has 30gb dual layer discs available (almost all the latest video releases on HD DVD are 30gb dual layer.) There are many more titles available for HD DVD right now (probably because it's been out longer and the discs themselves are easier to manufacture.) HD DVD uses a more efficient codec (Microsoft's VC-1, which is akin to H.264, in that it's much much more efficient than MPEG-2.) HD DVD titles have either Dolby Digital Plus (a higher bit-rate multichannel audio codec) and Dolby TruHD (a lossless multichannel audio codec).

    BD only has 25gb single layer discs available now. Apparently the 50gb dual layer discs are hard to manufacture and the yields are not ready for prime time. No BD retail video discs are above 25gb single layer. No timetable for 50gb discs has been announced. The video is MPEG-2, meaning it takes up more space on the disc. And, the most recent BD releases all suffer from more MPEG artifacts than any HD DVD releases. BD audio is either standard Dolby Digital or space consuming uncompressed PCM audio (which sucks up even more disc space, leaving even less for video.)

    The current Samsung BD player actually has the same (Broadcom) chip that the current Toshiba HD DVD player has in terms of outputing video... and it only outputs 1080i. The Samsung player tacks on another (Faroudja) chip to deinterlace it, so it outputs 1080p (so BD can say "we output 1080p!"), except, that chip apparently stinks and makes the picture somewhat soft. In reality, any HDTV worth its salt can easily deinterlace 1080i signals, so the whole "we output 1080p" is a false advantage anyway. Both BD and HD DVD discs store the video as 1080p, by the way.

    So, what you have, on the video front, BD has a smaller capacity disk with less efficient video and audio codecs (that look and sound worse). And it is TWICE the price ($500 vs. $1000). And has less titles. And is late.

    If you read any reports on BD video quality vs. HD DVD video quality on boards like AVSforum.com, HD DVD beats BD hands down.

    Who knows how this video format war will shake out, but Blu-ray is way behind right now.


    Apr 26, 02:25 PM
    I think you are missing the point:

    "What are some other reasons for refusing registration?

    Registration may be refused if the mark is:

    • Descriptive for the goods/services;
    • A geographic term;
    • A surname;
    • Ornamental as applied to the goods"

    Source: http://www.uspto.gov/trademarks/basics/BasicFacts_with_correct_links.pdf

    App Store is descriptive of what it does. In other words, it sells apps or applications. Therefore, it cannot be trademarked. Apple can use it if they want, but so can anyone else doing the same thing.

    This is pretty much saying that Microsoft is going to trademark Operating System. Both Microsoft and Apple make operating systems. What Windows is is a type of operating system. Windows does not describe the product.

    You make it sound as though this is such an obvious distinction that Apple could never get a trademark for "app store". But apparently this argument is not so strong in trademark law as Apple actually has the trademark already. If that were not the case how could they sue another entity for trademark infringement?

    I think all of you who believe you have trademark law all figured out should keep this in mind. Apple has a trademark for app store. Previously another company had a trademark for "appstore" which is very similar.

    You can write about the topic as though you have it all figured out but clearly your interpretation is not definitive as Apple was awarded the trademark.

    Now perhaps eventually apple will lose it or have to modify it but the fact that they got the trademark and a legal battle would need to be waged for them to lose proves that your opinion of trademark law in this case is oversimplified.

    Therefore, it cannot be trademarked

    It was.

    Aug 7, 04:48 AM
    Not too brag or anything :D but it works out great for us in UK. Get in from work 5.30pm / open a beer / macrumors / keynote 6pm / tears of joy / rob bank 9pm / buy mac pro :D

    South Africa here, leave work-> go to gym and work up a sweat -> macrumors -> have dinner during keynote -> go to bed and have sweet dreams about new iphone! :D :D Life is good! LOL

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